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Digital Timepiece Overview

Digital Timepiece is a synchronization hub compatible with Macintosh and Windows.

picture of a digtal timepiece

The Digital Timepiece synchronizes digital audio equipment with knife-edge precision: MOTU Audio 2408™, Digidesign ProTools™ systems (without a VSD™ or SDD™), Alesis ADAT™ (without a BRC™), Tascam DA-88™ (without an SY-88™ or RC-848™), ADAT and DA-88 compatibles, SONY 9-pin video decks, word clock, S/PDIF DAT decks, Digidesign Audiomedia™ II & III, NTSC/PAL video (all formats), computer software and digital audio workstations - including support for SMPTE time code, VITC, MIDI Time Code and MIDI Machine Control.

Until now, phase-locked synchronization between these systems has been difficult or impossible. The Digital Timepiece is the first synchronizer to lock them all together with a stable, high-resolution time base - with no dithering, rounding, or software delays. Choose any one device as the master; all the rest slave precisely and reliably. And drive everything from a MMC controller, computer sequencer or digital audio workstation.